BOBS specific mandates
BOBS is specifically mandated;
To promote standardization and quality assurance in industry and commerce, to improve product quality, industrial efficiency and productivity, and the promotion of trade, to achieve optimum benefits for the public generally, particularly in the interests of health, safety and welfare, and protection of the consumer.
To make arrangements for, or provide facilities for, the testing and calibration of precision instruments, gauges and scientific apparatus, for the determination of their degree of accuracy by comparison with standards approved by the Minister on the recommendations of the Council, and for the issue of certificates with regard thereto;
To make arrangements for, or provide facilities for, the examination and testing of commodities, and any material or substance from which, with which, or having regard to how, they may be manufactured, produced, processed or treated;
To grant, renew, suspend or cancel licences for the use of standards marks;
To prepare, modify or amend and publish Botswana Standards, and any codes of practice intended to be applied, or to be adopted in connection with the construction, installation, testing, sampling, operation or use of any article, apparatus, instrument, device or process;
To encourage or undertake educational work in connection with standardization and quality assurance;
To assist the Government or any local authority or public body, or any other person in the preparation and framing of any specifications or codes of practice;
To co-operate with the Government or any local authority or public body, or with the representatives of any industry or any person, to secure the adoption and practical application of standards;
To provide for the testing, on behalf of the Government, of locally manufactured or imported commodities,
To determine whether such commodities comply with the provisions of this Act, or any other written law dealing with standards of quality or description; to establish or recognize inspection agencies for product and quality system certification, and for such other purposes as may be prescribed;
To support environmental protection within the framework of standardization and quality assurance.
To do all such acts and things or enter all such transactions as are expedient or necessary for the efficient discharge of the functions of the Bureau
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