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BOS ISO 8124-3:2010 (IDT)


Safety of toys — Part 3: Migration of certain elements

SKU: BOS ISO 8124-3:2010 (IDT) Category: Product ID: 30546

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This part of ISO 8124 specifies maximum acceptable levels and methods of sampling and extraction prior to analysis for the migration of the elements antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead,
mercury and selenium from toy materials and from parts of toys.
1.2 Maximum acceptable levels are specified for the migration of the elements listed in 1.1 from the
following toy materials:
⎯ coatings of paints, varnishes, lacquers, printing inks, polymers and similar coatings (see 8.1);
⎯ polymeric and similar materials, including laminates, whether textile-reinforced or not, but excluding other
textiles and non-woven textiles (see 8.2);
⎯ paper and paperboard, up to a maximum mass per unit area of 400 g/m2 (see 8.3);
⎯ natural, artificial or synthetic textiles (see 8.4);
⎯ glass/ceramic/metallic materials, excepting lead solder when used for electrical connections (see 8.5);
⎯ other materials, whether mass-coloured or not (e.g. wood, fibreboard, hardboard, bone and leather)
(see 8.6);
⎯ materials intended to leave a trace (e.g. the graphite materials in pencils and liquid ink in pens) (see 8.7);
⎯ pliable modelling materials, including modelling clays and gels (see 8.8);
⎯ paints to be used as such in the toy, including finger paints, varnishes, lacquers, glazing powders and
similar materials in solid or liquid form (see 8.9).
1.3 The requirements in this part of ISO 8124 apply to the following toys and toy components of toys and
toy materials (see C.2.1):
⎯ all intended food and oral contact toys, cosmetic toys and writing instruments categorized as toys,
irrespective of any age grading or recommended age labelling;
⎯ all toys intended for or suitable for children up to 72 months of age;
⎯ accessible coatings, irrespective of any age grading or recommended age labelling;
⎯ accessible liquids, pastes, gels (e.g. liquid paints, modelling compounds), irrespective of any age grading
or recommended age labelling.
© ISO (2010) – All rights reserved © BOBS (2017) – For the national adoption
BOS ISO 8124-3:2010
Above this mass per unit area, the substance is treated as “other material”, and may be fibreboard or
1.4 Packaging materials are not included, unless they are intended to be kept, e.g. boxes, containers, or
unless they form part of the toy or have intended play value (see C.2.2).
NOTE No requirements are given for toys and parts of toys which, due to their accessibility, function, mass, size or
other characteristics, are obviously unlikely to be sucked, licked or swallowed, bearing in mind the normal and foreseeable
behaviour of children (e.g. the coating on the crossbeam of a swing set, the tyres of a toy bicycle).
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 8124-1, Safety of toys — Part 1: Safety aspects related to mechanical and physical properties
ISO 3696, Water for analytical laboratory use — Specification and test methods

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