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Botswana Bureau of Standards (BOBS) was formed with the primary objective of formulating National Standards and promoting quality assurance activities in Botswana.
BOBS is a parastatal under the Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry and BOBS receives its mandate through the Standards Act No. 16 of 1995 and the Weights and Measures Act No. 21 of 2006. BOBS is governed by the 12-member Standards Council.
BOBS offers technical services in the areas of standardisation such as development of standards, sale of standards, testing of products, training, certification of products and management systems, equipment calibration, verification of weighing and measuring instruments, enforcement of compulsory standards and facilities hire.
According to ISO definition: standard is a document, established by consensus and approved by a recognized body, that provides for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context’.
Standards are developed based on the needs identified in the marketplace that has to be addressed.
Standards are developed by technical committees (TCs), these are representatives from the public and private sectors e.g. businesses, government, consumer representatives, academic institutions, experts, professionals etc. BOBS serves as the secretariat.
Membership to the technical committee is by invitation and is voluntary. However, members of the public or individuals can request to join a technical committee and will be assessed and approved by BOBS.

Hard copied of the Botswana Standards are sold at the BOBS Information centre at the head office in Gaborone and BOBS branch office in Francistown, Donga. The standards are also sold at Botswana National Productive Centre (BNPC) Library, CIPA Serowe and CIPA Maun. Electronic copies of the standards are also available for sale at BOBS head office, enquiries and request for quotations can be forwarded to .

Yes, BOBS do assist with purchasing regional and international standards such as ISO/IEC standards e.t.c Requests for such standards should be forwarded to BOBS for processing.
Compulsory Standards are those that have a bearing on the health and safety of the consumer or those that are meant to protect the environment and are enforceable by law whereas voluntary standards are not enforceable by law but are useful tools to enhance and improve the quality of products. BOBS ensures compliance to compulsory standards and regulations. Examples of compulsory regulated products include bottled water, animal feeds etc.
BOBS through the Compulsory Standards Unit (CSU) monitors regulated products through market surveillance for both local produced and imported products. Imported regulated products are required to be tested at the country of origin, then a certificate of compliance (CoC) will be required at the ports of entry, finally inspection will be carried out in the market. Further, the market surveillance on regulated products include sampling and testing of the products against the requirements of the standard/s.

BOBS has processes and procedures in place that ensures that sub-standard regulated products found in the market are taken out of the market, these processes include recall and disposal of sub-standard products or re-shipment of the products to the country of origin.
BOBS can only stop import of goods that are part of regulated goods. Such goods can only be stopped if they fail to meet requirements of such standards.
Importation of vehicles does not fall under regulated products
Yes, provided there are national standards to conduct the testing. BOBS offer testing of various products and commodities in the areas of Chemistry, Microbiology, Textiles, Mechanical, Civil and Electrical Engineering. The testing is performed to verify the quality of the product and conformity to specified requirements. BOBS testing services is available to the public, the industry, and various sectors of the economy.
The cost of testing differs from product to the next and the parameters being tested.
BOBS offers two (2) types of certifications being Management Systems Certification Scheme and Standards Mark Scheme. BOBS offers third party certification services to confirm that a product, process, or service conforms to specified requirements. The Benefits of certification,
  • Gives testimony that customers are using a quality product/service BOBS offers two (2) types of certifications being Management Systems Certification Scheme and Standards Mark Scheme. BOBS offers third party certification services to confirm that a product, process, or service conforms to specified requirements. The Benefits of certification, BOBS offers two (2) types of certifications being Management Systems Certification Scheme and Standards Mark Scheme. BOBS offers third party certification services to confirm that a product, process, or service conforms to specified requirements.

    The Benefits of certification, • Gives testimony that customers are using a quality product/service • Increases product/service marketability or competitiveness • Gives assurance of product/service consistency • Facilitate access to international markets (standards are universal) Gives testimony that customers are using a quality product/service • Increases product/service marketability or competitiveness • Gives assurance of product/service consistency • Facilitate access to international markets (standards are universal) Increases product/service marketability or competitiveness • Gives assurance of product/service consistency • Facilitate access to international markets (standards are universal)
The cost of certification is depended on various factors such as the size of the company and its operations for QMS and the parameters for product certification.
No, BOBS does not offer consultancy services. BOBS undertakes to impartiality and ensures that the certification services are performed with strict confidentiality and in an impartial manner.
Yes, there are national standards covering various fields that one can buy and apply in their line of production.
BOBS offers training in the areas of standardization and quality assurance such as Quality Management Systems, Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Management Systems. The BOBS courses are open to all, private sector, parastatals, government, the public and other interested parties.

Yes, most of the services provided by BOBS have been accredited and verified competent to offer the services in the following areas;

● BOBS Training courses are accredited by HRDC
● BOBS Management Systems is certified to ISO 9001:2015 by Business Quality Certification (BQC),
● BOBS testing laboratories i.e. Microbiological, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Textile testing are accredited to ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 – General requirements for the competency of testing and calibration laboratories, by Southern African Development Community Accreditation Service (SADCAS)
● BOBS Compulsory Standards Unit (Inspections) is accredited to ISO/IEC 17020:2012 Requirements for the competence of bodies performing inspection accreditation by Southern African Development Community Accreditation Service (SADCAS).

Yes, BOBS services are recognized internationally and BOBS has a relationship with some international and regional standardization bodies through either membership or Memoranda of Agreement. BOBS is a member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and an affiliate member of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), a corresponding member of the International Organization for Legal Metrology (OIML), an Associate Member of the General Conference of Weights and Measures (CGPM) and a member of the African Organization for Standardization (ARSO).

BOBS information is available on the BOBS website, BOBS publication such as the Annual Report and other related publications. BOBS is available on social media platforms: • Facebook and Instagram Pages @ Botswana Bureau of Standards • Twitter @BOBSMarketing.

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