What is the mandate of BOBS?
Who governs BOBS?
What services does BOBS offer?
What is a standard?
How are standards developed?
Who develops standards?
How do I become a technical committee member?
Where can one purchase Botswana Standards?
Hard copied of the Botswana Standards are sold at the BOBS Information centre at the head office in Gaborone and BOBS branch office in Francistown, Donga. The standards are also sold at Botswana National Productive Centre (BNPC) Library, CIPA Serowe and CIPA Maun. Electronic copies of the standards are also available for sale at BOBS head office, enquiries and request for quotations can be forwarded to infoc@hq.bobstandards.bw .
Can one purchase regional and international standards through BOBS?
Why are standards categorised into compulsory and voluntary standards?
How does BOBS monitor regulated products?
BOBS has processes and procedures in place that ensures that sub-standard regulated products found in the market are taken out of the market, these processes include recall and disposal of sub-standard products or re-shipment of the products to the country of origin.
Why should BOBS not stop businesses from importing inferior goods (these goods include clothes, handbags, shoes, food, electricals and many more)
Why should BOBS not stop importation of second hand vehicles?
Does BOBS offer testing of products to individuals?
How much does BOBS charge for testing of products
What is BOBS certification and the benefits thereof?
- Gives testimony that customers are using a quality product/service BOBS offers two (2) types of certifications being Management Systems Certification Scheme and Standards Mark Scheme. BOBS offers third party certification services to confirm that a product, process, or service conforms to specified requirements. The Benefits of certification, BOBS offers two (2) types of certifications being Management Systems Certification Scheme and Standards Mark Scheme. BOBS offers third party certification services to confirm that a product, process, or service conforms to specified requirements.
The Benefits of certification, • Gives testimony that customers are using a quality product/service • Increases product/service marketability or competitiveness • Gives assurance of product/service consistency • Facilitate access to international markets (standards are universal) Gives testimony that customers are using a quality product/service • Increases product/service marketability or competitiveness • Gives assurance of product/service consistency • Facilitate access to international markets (standards are universal) Increases product/service marketability or competitiveness • Gives assurance of product/service consistency • Facilitate access to international markets (standards are universal)
What is the cost of certification?
Does BOBS offer any consulting services for companies wishing to obtain certification?
Can BOBS help manufacturers to produce quality goods?
How to attend BOBS courses?
Is BOBS competent to provide its services?
Yes, most of the services provided by BOBS have been accredited and verified competent to offer the services in the following areas;
● BOBS Training courses are accredited by HRDC
● BOBS Management Systems is certified to ISO 9001:2015 by Business Quality Certification (BQC),
● BOBS testing laboratories i.e. Microbiological, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Textile testing are accredited to ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 – General requirements for the competency of testing and calibration laboratories, by Southern African Development Community Accreditation Service (SADCAS)
● BOBS Compulsory Standards Unit (Inspections) is accredited to ISO/IEC 17020:2012 Requirements for the competence of bodies performing inspection accreditation by Southern African Development Community Accreditation Service (SADCAS).
Are BOBS services recognised internationally and what relationship does BOBS have with other international bodies?
Yes, BOBS services are recognized internationally and BOBS has a relationship with some international and regional standardization bodies through either membership or Memoranda of Agreement. BOBS is a member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and an affiliate member of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), a corresponding member of the International Organization for Legal Metrology (OIML), an Associate Member of the General Conference of Weights and Measures (CGPM) and a member of the African Organization for Standardization (ARSO).