BOBS verification sticker
- Year of next verification will be punched
- Month of next verification will be punched

Green Sticker marked “CORRECT”

Red sticker marked “REJECTED”
What is the significance of the BOBS verification sticker?
This sticker is proof that a weighing or measuring instrument, that it is affixed to, has been examined, verified and tested as prescribed in the Weights and Measures Act Cap 43:06 and found to be either correct or incorrect. Benefits of having the sticker as a trader is that the sticker acts as proof that your instrument has been checked by an independent third party (BOBS) and deemed to be fit for use in trade whilst as a consumer the sticker gives you confidence that the instrument used for billing or costing the product you are buying has been independently checked and released for use in trade.
The verification sticker indicates, through a check -mark on the field marked with “Correct” and “Rejected”, whether the instrument has been released for use in trade, or whether its use is prohibited. A check mark on the “Correct” box shows the instrument has been checked and released for use in trade. On the other hand, a check-mark on the “Rejected” box shows that an instrument has been checked, found to be unfit or non-compliant with the regulations of the act and thus its use is for trading purposes is prohibited.
Any instrument used directly for trading purposes in Botswana should have this sticker. It is upon the seller to ensure compliance before use.
Who is responsible for placing/removing the sticker on the instrument?
– An Inspector/Assizer from BOBS’ Trade Metrology Unit is responsible for placing/ removing this sticker on the instrument after verification.
– An Inspector/Assizer from BOBS’ Trade Metrology Unit is responsible for placing/ removing this sticker on the instrument after verification.