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BOS 732: 2017


Structural design of low-rise buildings — Code of practice for stability, site investigation, foundations, precast concrete floors and ground floor slabs for housing

SKU: BOS 732: 2017 Category: Product ID: 27953

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Standard Development Stage

Standard Status

Technical Committee

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Type of Standards


This standard gives recommendations for the structural design of low-rise housing and covers the stability of the structures, site investigation and foundations and ground floor slabs used in the construction. It covers only foundations comprising strip footings or trench fill founded in normal ground.Low-rise housing comprises detached, semi-detached and terraced houses and flats (with not more than four self-contained dwelling units per floor accessible from one staircase), of not more than three storeys above ground intended for domestic occupation and of traditional masonry construction with timber roofs and floors of timber or concrete. For the purpose of this standard, additional habitable accommodation in the roof space constitutes a storey of the house. The recommendations also apply to certain single storey non-residential buildings, e.g. domestic garages and annexes to residential buildings with a floor area not exceeding 36 m2. This standard does not include the design of basements but, providing the basement is of one level only and is designed to provide a firm platform at ground level, the provisions of this standard may apply to the superstructure. Proprietary housing systems and houses of timber, steel or concrete framed construction are not covered by this standard. The structural design recommendations described in this standard are not specifically intended to cover other considerations such as fire resistance, thermal and sound insulation, resistance to damp penetration and durability.For the purpose of this standard, the following limitations apply: a) maximum roof clear span: 12.0 m;
b) maximum floor clear span: 6.0 m;
c) a dynamic wind pressure not exceeding a value of 1.2 kN/m2
d) no part of the wall or roof higher than 15 m above lowest adjacent ground level;
e) maximum storey height: 2.7 m;
f) maximum clear length of a loadbearing wall between vertical lateral supports: 9.0 m;
g) maximum length of any opening in loadbearing walls: 3.0 m;
h) only strip footings or trench fill foundations in normal ground conditions.
NOTE Where foundations other than those given in item (h) above have been designed by suitably qualified persons, the remainder of the building may be constructed in accordance with the relevant clauses of this standard.

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When things don't work as they should, it often means that standards are absent.

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