“This code of practice provides practical guidance on managing many of the risks associated with ammonium nitrate (AN) in the storage and handling solid ammonium nitrate (AN) to meet safety obligations under international regional and national protocols on Dangerous Goods and associated regulations. It describes the preferred safe work practices that can be readily used at places such as ports, merchant stores, mine sites and manufacturers’ facilities. The code applies to the storage of solid AN in Division 5.1 – oxidising agent, as classified into United Nations numbers UN 1942 and UN 2067 and the 15th edition of Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods: Model Regulations (UN 15), published in 2007 by the United Nations. The code does not apply to AN substances classified as Class 1 explosives, Class 9 miscellaneous dangerous goods or non-dangerous goods. The safety provisions of the code apply to storages of solid AN of Division 5.1, except for: (a)sites storing less than 1,000 kg of AN; or (b)a “”rural dangerous goods location””, where AN is stored and used (not retailed) on anagricultural site of more than 5 hectares that is used exclusively for primary production.”