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free online web service


ePing is a free online web service, offered by the World Trade Organization (WTO) that provides private and public stakeholders with up to date information on regulations in export markets around the world, including product requirements and standards.
ePing’s email alert service allows registered users to receive SPS/TBT notifications of particular interest to them based on criteria such as products covered or export markets.
ePing aims to bridge that gap and provide timely information about changes in Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) and Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) requirements from trading partners to producers, exporters, governments and other interested users.
ePing is of potential interest to all types of stakeholders, including government agencies, standardizing bodies, producers, exporters, importers, service providers, small and medium-size enterprises, multinationals, international organizations, research institutes, NGOs etc.

How does the WTO/TBT Enquiry Point operate?

Informs the WTO secretariat of impending implementation of new or revised technical regulations (e.g. compulsory standards)
Prepares notifications on the above
Downloads and disseminates foreign notifications to the industry
Responds to enquiries on technical regulations, standards, and conformity assessment procedures
Compiles and forwards a bi-annual work programme bulletin to ISO/IEC information centre

What is the WTO/TBT Enquiry Point?

An institution established within each member of the WTO which serves to connect members, the private sector, trade officials, standards officials, regulators and any other domestic and international stakeholders, in all matters relating to the implementation of the transparency provisions of the TBT (Technical Barriers to Trade) Agreement.

Who is the WTO/TBT Enquiry Point for Botswana?

Botswana Bureau of Standards through the Information Centre

Get in Touch!
If you have any questions about ePing Alert please email us at

How to Submit Comments? Comments can be emailed to the contact information below:
Information Services

Postal Address

Botswana Bureau of StandardsPrivate Bag BO 48Gaborone

Contact Us

Tel: +267 390 3200Fax: +267 390 3120Toll free: 0800 600 941
0800 600 941
The Botswana Bureau of Standards (BOBS) understands the importance of impartiality and confidentiality in carrying out its management system certification activities. BOBS management is committed to gaining and maintaining the reputation, credibility and ultimately, confidence of its stakeholders in rendering its certification services. Additionally, BOBS strives to continuously manage foreseen potential conflicts of duty and interest and ensures objectivity of its activities under the management system certification. To achieve the above, BOBS shall identify, analyse, record and manage potential conflict of duty and interest to ensure that certification services are not provided within relationships that have been identified to pose an unacceptable threat to impartiality. An Impartiality Committee shall periodically review activities of the certification function to verify commitment to credibility and fairness. The Committee shall further assist in the development of policies relating to impartiality of providing certification activities. BOBS is committed to maintaining in strict confidence all information accessed while rendering the certification services and shall ensure that such information is not divulged to third parties without the Client’s written consent unless if required by law.
Demand Quality

When things don't work as they should, it often means that standards are absent.

BOBS Head Office
Physical Address —
Plot No, 55745, Block 8, Mail Airport Road
Postal Address —
Private Bag B048,
Gaborone, Botswana
Francistown office

Physical Address —
Plot No, 44149, MVA Fund House,
1st Floor, Behind Galo Mall
Postal Address —
Private Bag F465,
Francistown, Botswana

BOBS Weighbridge
Physical Address —
Plot No: 20683, Ramakukane
Road, Block 3 Industrial,
Gaborone, Botswana
BOBS © Copyright 1992 – 2025. All Rights Reserved. Developed by Weblogic.
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