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BOBS ISO 26000:2010


Guidance on social responsibility

SKU: BOBS ISO 26000:2010 Category: Product ID: 31788

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ICS Code

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Standard Development Stage

Standard Status

Technical Committee

Type of Standards


This International Standard provides guidance to all types of organizations, regardless of their size or location, a) concepts, terms and definitions related to social responsibility;
b) the background, trends and characteristics of social responsibility;
c) principles and practices relating to social responsibility;
d) the core subjects and issues of social responsibility;
e) integrating, implementing and promoting socially responsible behaviour throughout the organization and,
through its policies and practices, within its sphere of influence;
f) identifying and engaging with stakeholders; and
g) communicating commitments, performance and other information related to social responsibility.
This International Standard is intended to assist organizations in contributing to sustainable development. It is
intended to encourage them to go beyond legal compliance, recognizing that compliance with law is a
fundamental duty of any organization and an essential part of their social responsibility. It is intended to
promote common understanding in the field of social responsibility, and to complement other instruments and
initiatives for social responsibility, not to replace them.
In applying this International Standard, it is advisable that an organization take into consideration societal,
environmental, legal, cultural, political and organizational diversity, as well as differences in economic
conditions, while being consistent with international norms of behaviour.
This International Standard is not a management system standard. It is not intended or appropriate for
certification purposes or regulatory or contractual use. Any offer to certify, or claims to be certified, to
ISO 26000 would be a misrepresentation of the intent and purpose and a misuse of this International Standard.
As this International Standard does not contain requirements, any such certification would not be a
demonstration of conformity with this International Standard.
This International Standard is intended to provide organizations with guidance concerning social responsibility
and can be used as part of public policy activities. However, for the purposes of the Marrakech Agreement
establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO), it is not intended to be interpreted as an “international
standard”, “guideline” or “recommendation”, nor is it intended to provide a basis for any presumption or finding
that a measure is consistent with WTO obligations. Further, it is not intended to provide a basis for legal
actions, complaints, defences or other claims in any international, domestic or other proceeding, nor is it
intended to be cited as evidence of the evolution of customary international law.
This International Standard is not intended to prevent the development of national standards that are more
specific, more demanding, or of a different type.
BOS ISO 26000:2010

The Botswana Bureau of Standards (BOBS) understands the importance of impartiality and confidentiality in carrying out its management system certification activities. BOBS management is committed to gaining and maintaining the reputation, credibility and ultimately, confidence of its stakeholders in rendering its certification services. Additionally, BOBS strives to continuously manage foreseen potential conflicts of duty and interest and ensures objectivity of its activities under the management system certification. To achieve the above, BOBS shall identify, analyse, record and manage potential conflict of duty and interest to ensure that certification services are not provided within relationships that have been identified to pose an unacceptable threat to impartiality. An Impartiality Committee shall periodically review activities of the certification function to verify commitment to credibility and fairness. The Committee shall further assist in the development of policies relating to impartiality of providing certification activities. BOBS is committed to maintaining in strict confidence all information accessed while rendering the certification services and shall ensure that such information is not divulged to third parties without the Client’s written consent unless if required by law.
Demand Quality

When things don't work as they should, it often means that standards are absent.

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