This part of BOS 536 gives general principles and rules for the determination of actions to be taken into account during the execution of buildings and industrial structures.
NOTE The allocation of responsibilities during the construction process forms part of the contractual documents for each individual project and are generally based on the responsibilities as assigned in appointments and contracts. Such responsibilities are therefore not implied in this part of BOS 536. The standard may be used as guidance for the determination of actions to be taken into account for different types of construction works, including structural alterations such as refurbishment and partial or full demolition (see Annex A). It gives rules for the determination of actions to be used for the design of auxiliary construction works needed for the execution of buildings and industrial structures.This part of BOS 536 does not cover design rules for auxiliary construction works.NOTE These design rules for auxiliary construction works may be defined for the individual project. Guidance may be found in European standards such as EN 12812.Rules concerning safety of people in and around the construction site are out of the scope of this part of BOS 536. Such rules may be defined for the individual project in terms of the relevant national legislation (see foreword).