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BOS ISO 3010:2017


Bases for design of structures — Seismic actions on structures

SKU: BOS ISO 3010:2017 Category: Product ID: 31137

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Technical Committee

Type of Standards


This document specifies principles of evaluating seismic actions for the seismic design of buildings (including both the super structure and foundation) and other structures.
This document is not applicable to certain structures, such as bridges, dams, geotechnical works and tunnels, although some of the principles can be referred to for the seismic design of those structures.
This document is not applicable to nuclear power plants, since these are dealt with separately in other International Standards. In regions where the seismic hazard is low, methods of design for structural integrity can be used in lieu of methods based on a consideration of seismic actions.
This document is not a legally binding and enforceable code. It can be viewed as a source document that is utilized in the development of codes of practice by the competent authority responsible for issuing structural design regulations.
NOTE 1 This document has been prepared mainly for new engineered structures. The principles are, however, applicable to developing appropriate prescriptive rules for non-engineered structures (see Annex N). The principles could also be applied to evaluating seismic actions on existing structures.
NOTE 2 Other structures include self-supporting structures other than buildings that carry gravity loads and are required to resist seismic actions. These structures include seismic force-resisting systems similar to those in buildings, such as a trussed tower or a pipe rack, or systems very different from those in buildings, such as a liquid storage tank or a chimney. Additional examples include structures found at chemical plants, mines, power plants, harbours, amusement parks and civil infrastructure facilities.
NOTE 3 The level of seismic hazard that would be considered low depends not only on the seismicity of the region but also on other factors, including types of construction, traditional practices, etc. Methods of design for structural integrity include nominal design horizontal forces (such as an equivalent static loading determined from a simplified equivalent static analysis) which provide a measure of protection against seismic actions.

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